
Vision & Mission


BioTopeka helps Topeka, Kansas, and its surrounding communities become economically sustainable and intellectually diverse by supporting the social, economic, physical and educational success of all residents.


We accomplish this by increasing the level of scientific literacy among learners of all ages through community-based learning opportunities.  By combining intellectual resources from a consortium of school districts, universities, government agencies, businesses, healthcare organizations and a host of community-based nonprofits, BioTopeka helps grow and maintain the highly skilled workforce needed to ensure regional success.





Core Values


BioTopeka’s Vision and Mission are built solidly upon community-based values, including an appreciation for:


Critical Thinking – The way science education shapes peoples’ abilities to think critically.

Life-long Learning – The value of experiential education for learners of all ages.

Creative Communication – The way people from diverse parts of our community communicate differently.

Community Cooperation – The strength communities gain when people collaborate to solve problems.





Focus on Future Learners


At BioTopeka, we want to implement partnerships throughout the region that will give us countless opportunities to develop programs for learners of all ages.


Community Education – BioTopeka believes that, to promote public understanding of science, it is essential not only to initiate openness and dialogue between the scientific community and the public. We’ve created a BioTalks speaker’s bureau program – A way for community groups, traditional educators and others to access industry leaders ready, willing and able to talk about scientific subjects for audiences from all sectors of our community.


Family Learning – We know education begins at home and BioTopeka promotes scientific literacy by encouraging families to learn together. That’s why we create BioLearn. We support regional healthcare providers with books like DK’s First Human Body Encyclopedia so parents can share this terrific introductory book with their children.


Pre-K Education – Research shows that children who become excited about science at a young age remain life-long enthusiasts. With this in mind, BioTopeka created BioStart to with home-based day care providers and other early education groups to bring “Parents as Teachers”-focused curriculums like “Science in the Schoolyard” to Pre-K programs throughout the region.





Additional Educational Interactions


At BioTopeka, we want the foundation of the family learning experience to support additional opportunities of scientific discovery and innovation. Here are other opportunities that BioTopeka supports in our community:


Mentoring – The support of structured mentoring programs through which students gain firsthand workplace knowledge from scientists, business executives and medical practitioners at all levels.


Workshops – Hands-on workshops held on-site at area business locations give students opportunities to see biological science in-action.


Seminars – Together with industry professionals, supporting students to participate in discussions about some of the real-world issues affecting today’s bioscience industries.


Investigations – Academic and corporate research internships so students interested in specific fields can obtain hands-on opportunities in cutting edge scientific explorations.




